I was so excited when I met Maia through her Etsy Shop - Maiart ...
Maia is such a wonderful person and extremely talented artist...I fell in love with her art work...So peaceful and serene...I knew I had to purchase some of her cards to share with my family and special friends...Maia is a very special person and will always be close to my heart...
I am honored to have the opportunity to interview Maia...Now, let me get on with the interview...
1. Tell me a little about Maia…
My home is in the beautiful Pacific Northwest,I am grateful for this everyday! I am a single mother with grown, wonderfully kind boys!2. Where do you get your inspiration for your work…
My inspiration comes from many places. Nature, children, spirituality. Sometimes when I am doing a custom order I tell the person it will take between 2 weeks or 2 months. It is such a joy to see how the inspiration comes for that piece. Sometimes it is in a dream, and I get up and draw. Sometimes it is just a feeling. Working as a Douala has been very inspiring!! Things that bring a peaceful feeling, that is what I wish to pass on. It is as the saying goes "One Planet One People". Anything that can show our sameness instead of all of our differences is Inspiring for me!3. How long have you been sharing your talents with the public…
Gourds have been a passion of mine for over 20 yrs.!! Painting is a new adventure, it has been a wonderful way of expressing what I feel and see.
4. What other interests or hobbies do you enjoy…
Etsy is my newest interest!!! Rocks, I love rocks!! Walking on the beach, Kayaking, dreaming.... Animals have always been a big part of my life. Meeting awesome people like Eileen is a great joy in my life!
5. Where can people find your creations…
At this time my work is on maiaart.etsy.com. Or just email me at maiaart@olypen.com ...
Thank you so much for taking the time to answer my questions...It is a great joy to have you as a cherished Etsy friend...

love your work Maia - spiritual with beautiful "smooth" colors. Reminds me of folk art.
thanks for sharing this wonderful artist with us.
Beautiful work - the first one is my favourite.
She has beautiful art work!
I agree with StoryBeader, and my fav of the pix in the blog is the 2nd one. Awesome!
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