EtsyBloggers Blog Carnival - September 1

I thought and thought of a childhood memory that some of you could relate to...Food...that's it!...In thinking back to my childhood, I remember all of the fun NEW foods that were becoming available to the public...Take Fizzies, for instance...Does anyone remember adding 2 tablets to their glass of water, watching the tablets fizz into a colorful, flavorful?, soda?...I sure do...I used to LOVE the stuff...
Then there were the delicious and so yummy T.V. Dinners...I remember Swanson making them...At least one night a month my Mom would make everyone their very own T.V. Dinner...What a special treat that was...No dinner dishes to clear or clean...How cool was that...What was your favorite T.V. Dinner?...Mine was Salisbury Steak...

And of course we had to have some delicious ice cream for dessert...Oh, now that was my favorite part of the instant meal...Chocolate was my favorite...How about you?...

Let's not forget the after dinner bubble gum cigarette...Now tell me that wasn't promoting cigarets to kids...Thinking about it now makes me sick...I can't believe we actually pretended to smoke those things and then chewed them and blew bubbles?...Who remembers that?...
OK...So now I'm getting totally weirded out...Are these my favorite
childhood memories...NO THEY ARE NOT...I thought this would be fun but now I think I better stop because this is really freakin' me out...

I'm sure lots of you remember these crazy convenient and wacky food items hitting the markets...We thought they were the greatest thing ever...Now look where we are...
With that I say...Feel free to leave comments...I'm curious how you feel about this kind of nostalgia...
Love it, Eileen! I remember Fizzies and TV dinners. Weren't they fun? Especially when you got to eat your TV dinners in front of the TV, but not too close to the TV so you wouldn't damage your eyes!
OMG, I remember those cigarettes. Then there was ovaltine, and I hated how that tasted. But I LOVED the TV dinners (my fav the chicken) and I remember when I told my Mom I wanted to learn how to can tomatoes...she told me "no way" we open cans now days and it's wonderful. How things ebb and flow.
How are the groundhogs? I'm ready to kill the neighbor and the bear!
Food - reminds me of when I was little, and my dad would go out and pick up Chinese food, in honest to goodness PAPER boxes, not styrofoam! Those were the days!
Wow this brings back memories! I used to love the fried chicken dinners. Something about those mashed potatoes were deeelicious!
Definitely chicken... re frozen dinners... I loved swanson chicken TV dinners, I was talking about them last month to my DH and was wondering if they still made them I was thinking of buying one! I will have to look next time I'm on the mainland to see if they still make them!
How about Beatle Mania bubble gum cards?
Lynne (Islandgirl)
Try again.. my comment doesn't show!
I liked the chicken ones... as a matter of fact I was just talking about the Chicken swanson frozen dinners with my DH last month... I was wondering if they still make them?
How about the Beatle Mania bubble gum cards?
Lynne (islandgirl
I remember eating the TV dinners on our Super Heroes trays! YOu could not get my brother out of his Underoos:)
Ah, we would ride our bikes (remember when it was safe to ride your bikes by yourself?)to the local shop and pick up those gum smokes....Now my brother is addicted to smoking. Any correlation?
I remember all these! Too funny. How about Sizzlelean?
Yes, I remember all of this. And I still drink the malted Ovaltine!
My fav. TV dinner is the chicken, mashed potato's, and corn...
Pixie Stix. Jolly Rancher Sticks. Lick-a-Maid, 2 pcs of bubble gum for a penny, and my mother would only make the kool-aid w/ 1/2 of the sugar so when we were across the street at my cousins, we always ask for a cup of hers. She followed the directions!
i am loving all of your comments...i thought this was a crazy carnival blog but now i am loving it...keep em coming...
Yay for retro snacks :)
I liked pop rocks.
Thanks awesome!
You know, those cigarettes tasted nasty to me, even though as a kid I thought they were cool. . .but that powdery coat of something on the outside of them was gaggy gross.
I enjoyed all your pictures and memories...FUN topic!
Oh, my word...I can relate to everything you remembered!
Great memories. Thanks. I found out recently that the "short cut" my Mother taught me of using Campbell's Cream of Mushroom soup for casseroles really turned my kids off. They will have NONE of it now. I still like a good tuna with peas casserole.
Those cigarette candies were the only thing that interested my sister and I when my mother had to go to the dime store to buy material, yarn or some crafty supply. (am I dating myself, we don't have dime stores any more!)
I do remember the bubble gum cigarettes! Food is always a great memory booster! :D
Fizzies - you can still get them! & the TV dinner, my favorite was always the fried chicken with the brownie dessert!!!!
I used to love TV dinner night! LOL, it was always on a night where my dad was working late and wouldn't be home for dinner. My sister and I thought it was the greatest thing ever.
And I loved the bubblegum and candy cigarettes. Who knew how inappropriate they were....
Hi! You've been added to the "Cook It. Blog It!" blogroll! Thanks for participating (sorry it took me so long to get to these last few requests!)
So interesting. I love the photos.
What fun to see all of these items.
first time seeing the crayon gum
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