COMMENT your guess and you will be entered in my end of the month Giveaway...I'll post the Theme answer next Wednesday night...
I can't say I was ever into BoyzIIMen, but I'm sure some of you were...I do like some of their songs, smooth and easy to listen to...I hope you like the one I decided to share...
i have to thank randi, of ragnazldnar for being so helpful and encouraging through this whole process...her tutorial was awesome and she was there for me every step of the way...thank you randi...you are one of those etsy angels i can add to my list...
as for me...my fingers are still sore...but it is well worth it...
my husband loved the journal...do you see the bead i put on?...
my son was proud of me and encouraged me along the way as well...
i'll be making more for our personal family journal stash...after my fingers feel better...
COMMENT your guess and you will be entered in my end of the month Giveaway...I'll post the Theme answer next Wednesday night...
keep your eyes on my blog for today's Theme for Thursday...
To Be Posted Soon...
Thanks for watching...
COMMENT your guess and you will be entered in my end of the month Giveaway...I'll post the Theme answer next Wednesday night...
I will also post the WINNER of
May's Theme for Thursday Give-a-Way...